Teacher bouquet!

So last year my daughter had the most awesome 3rd grade teacher! The year literally flew by! We always do end of the year gifts and you all know by now that my strongest gift is procrastination. So, I ended up sick the last week of school which lead me to be at the doctors’ office on the last day and missed the award ceremony. I was bummed. If I were like the other 5 million moms then I’m sure I would have already had a gift and been prepared for the week but it just aint happening. J So all summer it was driving me nuts that we never gave her anything. Well, this morning my daughter took this O, so cute arrangement I came up with just for her 3rd grade teacher.

Everything is useable.

How to do it:

Glue assorted flowers to Pens and pencil
I grabbed a few of these vases at Lowes a few weeks back with they were a steal!
Load the vase up with candy. I used mints and taffy
Stickers as filler-

The rest is up to you!

 Be creative- have fun!

This would be cute for a hairdresser -using brushes and combs! Just a thought!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so cute! This would be so cute for a mom,GiGi who loves to quilt!!! You are so clever!


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